It may be surprising to hear that some of the most common cases of chronic lower back pain are not necessarily caused by accidents or jobs that require carrying heavy loads. Smaller activities and ill-performed habits are what build up chronic lower back pain. These activities are done daily and if not treated with the proper adjustments, can easily lead to long term effects on your body. These several normal activities performed on a daily basis are major contributors to chronic lower back pain:
- Walking Exercises: It is crucial that when you go for a walk, your posture is straight, your pace is manageable and you are exercise on the proper terrain to relieve any extra strain.
- Cleaning the House: Consistently lifting is required when you put clothes in the washer and dryer, take heavy loads out and put them away on high or lower shelves. These activities along with vacuuming, sweeping and other bending chores will add up in the long run.
-Driving: Long commutes and traffic can lead you to bad posture in your vehicle. It is best if you remember to sit up straight and put you back against the seat and consider buying a pillow that are specifically designed to alleviate the lower back.
– Carrying Groceries: Just like cleaning your house, the smaller activities can add up like lifting heavy groceries from your car that puts stress on your lower back. Take small loads or make several more trips than what is needed to assure you avoid any excess stress.
- Sitting at your Desk: Your job may require you to sit at a desk 40 or more hours a week that can be a major factor to back pain. Remember to sit up straight, and get up & stretch every so often.
- Stair Climbing: Although a healthy habit, climbing the stairs can put a lot of stress on your lower back and knees if done excessively. Try a slower pace and use the stairs in moderation to maintain your healthy routine.
- Exercising Wrong: Exercising is good for you but you must have the proper form in order to gain the benefits and not cause damage to your body. If you are already experiencing lower back pain do not due an excess running that will worsen the symptoms. Try low impact activities like walking or bike riding that will keep a steady pace.
- No Activity: On the other end of the spectrum, a complete lack of activity will only worsen your condition. Resting is good to help ease pain but it will do nothing to help you recover, only cushion your state for the time being. Plan times of rest with movements and exercises in between to completely balance out your pain management.
- Unhealthy Diets: What you eat and drink can surprisingly contribute to lower back pain. Avoid foods that increase inflammation of the body such as beverages with excess sugar (soda, energy drinks, etc.) caffeine, pastas, whitebread and alcohol. Not only are these foods not good for your overall healthy but studies have shown their direct link to lower back pain. Healthy foods that fight inflammation and what you should include in your normal diet in general are fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts.
- Reading in Bed: Ending your day with a book in your bed sounds nice and relaxing, however you may get too comfortable and not sit up straight which can lead to back and neck stiffness. Using a pillow to prop yourself up will leave your body reclined and contribute additional stress to your lower back.
- Sleeping Positions: You spend many hours in your bed at night so it is crucial you avoid any positions that will cause back pain like sleeping on your stomach that causes poor positioning of your spine. It is best to sleep on your back and you can put additional support with a pillow placed under your knees.
Slight adjustments and discipline with these daily routines will help you with long term benefits, however continuous negligence will add to chronic lower back pain that can only be managed with professional rehabilitation. Centers for Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine will provide you with the best care after a thorough evaluation at our main office in Placentia and other two offices in Orange and Irvine. Call us at 714-909-0136 for a FREE consultation.