
Daily and Easy Exercises to Reduce Lower Back Pain

Oct 08, 2024
Daily and Easy Exercises to Reduce Lower Back Pain

In our previous blog, we discussed the types of daily habits that contributed to lower back pain. Many of these habits are second nature, and it can take time to development discipline. Avoiding these habits and reminding yourself to adjust your posture are not the only ways to help your lower back, but it takes initiative and exercise to maintain your health. As we mentioned in the previous blog, staying still and resting too long is not good for your help. You don’t have to get a gym membership and do intense routines to assure physical stability.

This short exercise routine done daily will not only help your back but help you develop overall better physical health:

1. Partial Crunches: This exercise that can be done in your bedroom will strengthen your back and stomach muscles. Lie down, knees bent and make sure you feet are flat on the floor and remain there through the exercise. When you raise your shoulders off of the floor, tighten your stomach muscles and make sure you breathe out. Your arms should not be doing any of the work for you will be putting strain on your neck. Hold your body up using your abs for a second then lower back down, going for 15-20 seconds depending on how much you can take. Do not overwork yourself. Only handle what you can do.


2. Hamstring Stretches: Use a towel or another similar piece of cloth during this exercise. Remain lying down and keep one knee up and hold the other in the air. Wrap the towel over the ball of your lifted foot and straighten your knee. Slowly pull back the towel to add resistance to your lifted foot. Hold this for around 20 seconds and do it for each leg twice.


3. Bridging: Stay on your back with your knees bent and heels on the floor. Push up from the floor with your heels, squeeze your buttocks and lift your hips all the way up until they are in a straight line with your shoulders and knees. Hold this position for about 8 to 10 seconds then slowly lower back down and rest for the same amount of time. Repeat this for about 10 times and make sure you avoid arching your back when you lift up.

4. Press-Up Back Extensions: Lie on your stomach with your elbows bent and your hands placed under your shoulders. Slowly lift your shoulders by pushing up with your hands and bend your back without putting too much stress on it. Try and position your head to look directly ahead of you. Do this for about 10 seconds and repeat it for about 5 to 6 times.

5. Bird Dog: This exercise requires you to be on your hands and knees and to consistently keep your stomach muscles tightened and hips level. Lift one leg and completely extend it behind you. Now use that opposite arm and hold it out straight. Hold this position for about 5 seconds, lower your leg then repeat for the other leg and opposite arm. Repeat this process for about 10 times depending on your stress level. Make sure you always keep your lower back still and level.

6. Wall Sits: Stand around one foot from a wall. Lean your back against the wall and slide down to your knees are at a right angle. Make sure you press your lower back against the wall for support. Stay in the position for about 10 seconds then slide up, repeating this for about 10 times.


These short exercises can be done as soon as you wake up before you start your day or at night before you go to bed, all in the comfort of your own bedroom. Even with these easy exercises, bad form can do more harm than good, and do not overstrain yourself. This can assure steady physical health, and if you feel any extra discomfort and these exercises just are not helping, contact our Center for Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine at 714-676-1884 and make sure to visit our website at www.ocpain.net to see all of the services we provide.