
Does Kyphoplasty Require Downtime?

Oct 07, 2024
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Does Kyphoplasty Require Downtime?

Kyphoplasty is a treatment designed to heal the fractures in one’s vertebrae. These fractures can develop either suddenly or gradually over time. Below, we look at does kyphoplasty require downtime?

As we age, the integrity of the spine becomes threatened, and the chance that some type of injury will be incurred increases dramatically. Kyphoplasty is one of the procedures that can help with these issues.

Does Kyphoplasty Require Downtime?

However, there is a recovery period associated with this helpful procedure. If you’re interested in receiving kyphoplasty, then take a look at this primer describing some of the details surrounding the recovery process.

What is Kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty is an invasive procedure that is designed to restore stability to one’s spine following a vertebral fracture. Kyphoplasty is useful for addressing spinal injuries caused by a variety of processes, including the following:

  • Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a process of thinning bones that can lead to crumbling and fractures over time.
  • Injury: Traumatic spinal injuries can lead to fractures in the vertebrae.
  • Disease: Chemotherapy and other treatments for cancer can have negative impacts on bone health.

During a Kyphoplasty, a physician inserts a medical balloon into the vertebrae to restore height and space in the spine. This space is then filled with a type of specialized medical cement. This cement reestablishes a sense of stability in the individual vertebrae and the spine as a whole.

Prior to all of this, your physician will take an X-ray to determine the proper placement of the medical materials in one’s spine. From there, the kyphoplasty procedure is relatively brief. It can typically be completed within one hour.

Kyphoplasty Recovery

There is no one way to recover from kyphoplasty, as the recovery process tends to vary heavily between patients. However, there are certain basic timelines to be observed during the recovery process.

Kyphoplasty is generally performed under general anesthesia, which can be something that many folks find a need to recover from due to the stresses it places on the body. Some patients may find that they need to spend the night at the hospital following their procedure.

In general, planning to take a day or two off of your normal activities is wise when undergoing kyphoplasty.

Recovery Timelines

Most people will be ready for normal activities within a couple of days of their procedure. However, there is some variability to this due to individual patient’s health and the amount of vertebrae that are treated during the procedure. Some of the variables in recovery include:

  • Number of Vertebrae Involved: If you have more vertebrae treated, you’ll likely experience longer recovery times.
  • Overall Health: People whose health is otherwise good are likely to recover more quickly from their Kyphoplasty procedures.
  • Complications: Complications are not common during kyphoplasty, but they are possible.

Risks and Complications

Kyphoplasty is considered minimally invasive, but there are risks and complications present with this procedure. Some of these include the following:

  • Infection
  • Increased back pain
  • Bleeding
  • Nerve damage
  • Allergic reactions
  • Cement leaking

The risks associated with this procedure are reduced significantly when performed by a trained and experienced physician who has the proper equipment available to them. Doing your share of research into the physician you select for your procedure can ensure that you have a safe and successful procedure overall.

Restrictions in the Post-Surgical Period

There are some safety precautions and restrictions to observe for after your kyphoplasty procedure. Ensuring that you follow these can help you recover faster. Some of the restrictions include:

  • Don’t drive for 24 hours following your procedure
  • Avoid lifting anything that causes stress and strain to your back
  • Minimize heavy lifting and intensive exercise
  • Resume taking any regular medications you might use.

Most patients are able to return to their daily activities within a couple of days following their procedure. If your job or lifestyle features heavy lifting or repetitive motions with your back, you may want to refrain from engaging in these things for a longer period of time.

Kyphoplasty is effective enough that it can offer many patients pain relief within a couple of days of its application. However, as stated before, everyone’s reaction to these things is different, and your own recovery process may look very different from the next patient’s.

The Kyphoplasty Resource of Orange County

OC Pain and its award-winning team of medical experts prides itself on delivering the best treatment available for those experiencing pain and discomfort with their spine. If you’re suffering from this type of pain, contact our pain clinic in Orange County today in order to schedule and appointment.