
How a Migraine Happens

Oct 07, 2024
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How a Migraine Happens

As patients of all ages and backgrounds visit our state-of-the-art pain clinic in Orange County for the treatment of migraines, we are starting to understand these major headaches a little differently. A lot of research has gone into figuring out how a migraine happens and what might cause consistent triggers that keep migraines around for way too long. So let’s dig into how a migraine happens.

How a Migraine Happens

While migraines can happen for different reasons to different people, the process that the body goes through during this excruciating time is largely the same. We’ve broken it down into four distinct “phases” that your body experiences during a migraine. Read about how it works, some of the most common causes of migraines, and the most viable treatment options available for you to access ASAP.

Phase 1: Trigger Onset

Depending on your migraine triggers, onset can happen at any time. The trigger will fire rapid neurons in the brain, causing immediate shifts in the brain’s chemistry. This typically stems from a culmination of things such as increased stress, exhaustion, extreme weather shifts, and hormonal shifts. This is the best time to take preventative medication, so you can keep some of the more serious symptoms at bay.

Phase 2: Symptom Development

Once the migraine has officially developed, you will start to experience hypersensitivity. This is because of the neurons that are firing abnormally in the brain. During this phase, it will hurt to be exposed to any level of light and sound. You might also have difficulty speaking, breathing, eating, or sleeping. Many people compare migraines to hangovers, with symptoms of nausea and light-headedness prevalent as well.

Phase 3: Serotonin Drop

Migraines often occur as a direct result of major changes in serotonin and estrogen levels. Usually, the serotonin will drop, causing blood vessels to dilate and throb, which ends up feeling like a very bad headache. This is also known as the “attack” phase, or the period of time where the migraine is rearing its ugly head. A lot of people experience more pain on one side of their head than the other during this phase.

Phase 4: Aftershock

Migraines typically last anywhere from 3 hours to 3 days, making it difficult to plan your everyday life around this kind of inconvenient symptom. And when the pain subsides, that doesn’t mean the migraine has gone away completely. It can still come back during this time, giving you a new wave of pain and discomfort. Try to take it easy for a few days following your migraine attack. This includes pulling back on exercise and heavy physical labor until you know that the migraine is completely gone away.

Treating and Preventing Migraines

If you get migraines on a regular basis, you know exactly how debilitating they can be. You deserve to get some much-needed relief from consistent migraine pain and discomfort. The best treatments available can be found through your local pain management specialists. They may include a combination of pain-relieving medications, physical therapy, and procedural treatment. Some people have also found some relief through alternative forms of healing like acupuncture and meditation.

Get Certified Migraine Treatment Today

Dealing with migraine pain on a regular basis? The best way to prevent a migraine is to treat it during the onset phase, preventing the symptoms from advancing further. You can get permanent relief from your major migraines when you get in touch with us at CRPM today. Learn more about the best migraine relief treatment in Orange County and schedule an appointment with our experts to come up with a custom treatment plan. While migraines start in the brain, they can be triggered by many external elements. Let’s get to the bottom of this issue and kick migraines to the curb for good.