
Tips For The Holidays | Pain Management Placentia

Oct 08, 2024
Tips For The Holidays | Pain Management Placentia

We compiled useful tips to help you stay pain-free while shopping and traveling this holiday season. Minimize the chance of a pain flare-up by:

  1. Make separate trips when it comes to gift shopping and grocery shopping to ensure that you get everything on your list and to save time so that you won’t have to return to that long line again.
  2. Going shopping during off hours such as in the morning or during lunch time to secure a closer parking spot and avoid waiting in long lines.
  3. Utilize a shopping cart even if you only need a few items – this will keep you from placing extra strain on your arms and shoulders.
  4. Create a list of what you’ll need to avoid extra wandering around to save both time and money.
  5. Don’t try to save time by bringing everything in at once from your car. The extra trips to and from the car are to help from straining your back and arms.
  6. Enlist the family to help cook dinner to ensure more quality time together while getting just about everything done on time!
  7. With baking, consider making the dough the night before you plan to make the cookies.
  8. Whether it is decorating the house, the table or even cookies, invite others to help with decorating to save you time on your feet.
  9. Plan to stop every hour for a quick walk on car trips to help manage leg, knee, hip, or lower back pain.
  10. When traveling by air, wear comfortable shoes and bring a bag you can manage if you don’t have assistance.
  11. On the plain, walk to the bathroom every hour to stretch your legs.
  12. Bring a neck pillow or lumbar support pillow if you have neck or back pain on your flight.
  13. Mail gifts and other heavy items ahead of time so you don’t have to lug them through the airport.
  14. No matter how you travel, be sure to pack any additional medications you may need in case of emergencies.

Preparing and planning ahead is always the smarter choice during the holiday season to help you enjoy your holidays with less pain and more joy!