
What is Regenerative Medicine?

Oct 08, 2024
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What is Regenerative Medicine?

Whether you have been suffering from damaged organs, have had bodily issues with trauma, or other complications, you may have thought of looking into regenerative medicine. This innovative and effective area of healing is still relatively new, and its ability to increase the natural healing process has made a huge impact on our world. For information directly from the expert pain specialist in Orange County, OC Pain, contact their team here.

How Does it Work?

The foundation of regenerative medicine is revolutionary. Our bodies are designed with the capability to naturally heal, and regenerative medicine is able to target that ability and enhance it. For example, if there is a patient who has damage to one of their organs, regenerative medicine can use that same patient’s own cells to improve the healing of that organ. Aside from the benefits of healing the organ itself, this also can improve the negative side effects associated with a damaged organ, like pain. Ultimately, regenerative medicine has one goal: to heal the body from within, which can be done by rejuvenating diseased organs with healthy cells and tissue to replace the decaying ones. Get detailed information on how regenerative medicine can help with your pain symptoms from the pain specialist in Orange Country, OC Pain.

What Areas of Application Does Regenerative Medicine Have?

With their state-of-the-art technology paired with their experienced staff, OC Pain is the leading team specializing in a multitude of applications for regenerative medicine. Here are a few of the areas that regenerative medicine can help in:

– Orthopedics: The branch of medicine dealing with the correction of deformities of the bones or muscles. Regenerative medicine allows for pain relief to occur without having to undergo a complete replacement of the troublesome area.
– Neurology: The branch of medicine or biology that deals with the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system. These systems are extremely complex, and very hard to correct using surgery. Regenerative medicine allows for the body to heal itself, with much less risk than the procedures that required pinpoint accuracy.
– Pulmonology: A Branch of medicine concerned with the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lungs. Just like the neurological anatomy of the body, the lungs are extremely sensitive and hard to heal with invasive means. By supplying the body with the proper cells and tissue, the work can be done from within, non-invasively.
– Autoimmune diseases: Illnesses that occur when the body tissues are attacked by its own immune system. In this case, it’s a catch 22 because you can’t stop your immune system from working without risk of infection, and you need your tissue and cells to live. The Journal of Autoimmune Disorders noted in 2015 that “cellular interaction between therapeutic cells and the patient’s immune system, including anti-inflammatory T-cell responses, suppression and immunomodulation can be achieved.”
– Wellness: The general state of being in good health. Regenerative medicine can help with the overall level of health and comfort for those suffering from chronic pain and problems.

With a wide range of specialties, the leading pain specialist in Orange County, OC Pain, is the trusted team for regenerative medicine. Although this field is still blossoming, and many strides are being made, it has a bright future for the medical community. Chronic pain may have met its match, and regenerative medicine has found a way to restore the body by using tools found in the body.

To see which specific applications it can have for you and your health, contact the professional and friendly team at OC Pain today.